Speaker: Oskar Vafek (Florida State University)
Correlations and topology in the magic angle twisted bilayer graphene
When the twist angle of a bilayer graphene is near the ``magic'' value, there are four narrow bands near the neutrality point, each two-fold spin degenerate. These bands are separated from the rest of the bands by energy gaps. In the first part of the talk, the topology of the narrow bands will be discussed, as well as the associated obstructions --or lack there of -- to construction of a complete localized basis [1,3].
In the second part of the talk, I will present a two stage renormalization group treatment [4] which connects the continuum Hamiltonian at length scales shorter than the moire superlattice period to the Hamiltonian for the active narrow bands only, which is valid at distances much longer than the moire period. Via a progressive numerical elimination of remote bands the relative strength of the one-particle-like dispersion and the interactions within the active narrow band Hamiltonian will be determined, thus quantifying the residual correlations and justifying the strong cupling approach in the final step.
In the last part of the talk, the states favored by electron-electron Coulomb interactions within the narrow bands will be discussed. Analytical and DMRG results based on 2D localized Wannier states [2,5], 1D localized hybrid Wannier states [3] and Bloch states [3,4] will be compared. Topological and symmetry constraints on the spectra of charged and neutral excitation[4] for various ground states, as well as non-Abelian braiding of Dirac nodes[3] , will also be presented.
[1] Jian Kang and Oskar Vafek, Phys. Rev. X 8, 031088 (2018).
[2] Jian Kang and Oskar Vafek, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 246401 (2019)
[3] Jian Kang and Oskar Vafek, Phys. Rev. B 102, 035161 (2020)
[4] Oskar Vafek and Jian Kang arXiv:2009.09413 (to appear in PRL)
[5] Bin-Bin Chen, Yuan Da Liao, Ziyu Chen, Oskar Vafek, Jian Kang, Wei Li, Zi Yang Meng arXiv:2011.07602