CCQ Seminars

CCQ Seminar: Shiwei Zhang


Title: Tuning ultra-quantum liquids - back to the future

I will describe on-going work [1] exploring the phases of quantum matter made of various bosonic helium isotopes, some real (4He, 6He), but mostly fictitious (3He, 2He, 1.58He, etc). Helium is a superfluid down to zero-temperature, and the phase diagram of 4He is well known. As the mass decreases, the system turns more quantum, with the transition temperature for superfluidity growing higher and the critical temperature for liquid gas transition becoming lower. Our goal is to understand and compute what happens to the phase diagram. On a computer, we can systematically tune the nuclear mass (and do essentially exact computations with path integrals). In a laboratory this is more challenging, but I will mention some ideas for realizing such liquids.

[1] Youssef Koraa, Massimo Boninsegni, Dam Thanh Son, Shiwei Zhang, to be published