Title: Impurity Solver in Real-Time
Abstract: The ubiquitous appearance of impurity problems in Nano-electronic devices, impurities in crystals or through the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory make an accurate description of these models highly sought after. Especially approaches working on the real-frequency axis and thereby avoiding the ill-conditioned analytic continuation problem are important steps forward in our understanding of these systems.
In this talk I will present recent results obtained from the ForkTPS impurity solver on the real-frequency axis focusing on its performance at low energies. The discrete nature of the bath as well as the finite time reachable with this approach makes some form of extrapolation necessary when trying to access low frequency properties. After explaining the basic concepts on a one-orbital model, I will present results for a DMFT calculation of the strongly correlated compound Sr2RuO4. Without spin-orbit coupling I will demonstrate that FTPS is capable of producing results nearly comparable to the Numerical Renormalization Group which is built around resolving low-energy features. I will also demonstrate that this approach allows to calculate real-frequency self energies in cases where spin-orbit coupling is included (or where off-diagonal hybridizations are present).