Speaker: Ettore Vitali from California State University Fresno
Title: Motion of fermionic superfluids: insight from Quantum Monte Carlo calculations
Abstract: I will discuss some unique features of the dynamical behavior of Fermi superfluids, including the exciting possibility of observing the celebrated Higgs mode in atomic physics and condensed matter physics. A major challenge, in the theoretical and computational community, is to study collective modes in superfluids starting from a model hamiltonian or an ab-initio hamiltonian. In this context, most of the theoretical investigations rely on Generalized Random Phase Approximation (GRPA). Using the Hubbard hamiltonian as an example, I will show the results of a comparison between GRPA and Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods and I will discuss the potential role of QMC as a powerful tool to detect Higgs modes and other important collective and single particle modes in strongly correlated systems.