Simons Foundation Presidential Lectures

SF Lecture: The Magic of Two-Dimensional Materials




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Atomically-thin crystal sheets have transformed the way we think about materials. Starting with the surprising isolation of graphene from graphite, this family of materials has by now grown to include dozens of viable atomic sheets, with thousands more predicted theoretically. The 2D structure makes it possible to change a material’s properties without changing its chemical composition — like an alchemist’s conjury. For example, by tuning the twist between two superposed 2D crystals to certain magic angles, one can create correlated-electron states that alternate between superconducting, ferromagnetic or insulating phases at the turn of a knob. Recent advances in both experiment and theory have expanded the toolbox for tuning electronic properties and uncovered their connection to the topology of the electronic wave-function. In this lecture, Eva Andrei will describe the highlights of this rapidly evolving field from its serendipitous discovery to recent developments.

Speaker Bio:
Andrei investigates the electronic properties of two-dimensional materials using tunneling spectroscopy and electronic transport measurements. She is a recipient of the Lady Davis fellowship and the French CEA Medal of Physics. She is a Moore Foundation investigator and a fellow of the National Academy of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Physical Society, where she is currently chairing the division of condensed matter physics.


4:45 - 5:00 PM ET Webinar waiting room opens

5:00 - 6:15 PM ET Talk + Q&A

Registration is required for this free event.

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