Special Seminar: Collin Capano
Title: Probing fundamental physics with gravitational waves
Abstract: The direct detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO and Virgo interferometers has opened a new window onto the universe. To date, multiple binary black hole mergers have been observed, as well as two binary neutron star mergers. Although these binaries are millions of light years away, careful analyses of their emitted gravitational waves allow us to test fundamental physics across a wide range of length scales --- from the sub-atomic, to the cosmological. Perhaps the most spectacular example of this was the detection of GW170817, a binary neutron star merger that was observed both by gravitational-wave detectors and electromagnetic telescopes. I will discuss how combining state-of-the art nuclear theory with these observations has yielded insights into the nature of matter at supranuclear densities. I will also discuss how further insights into the equation of state of dense matter, as well as strong-field gravity, will be possible in the coming years by using new analysis tools with evermore sensitive detectors.
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