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- Indico Weeks View
Ettore Vitali (Cal State Fresno)
Title: The BCS-CPMC Method and Exotic Superfluid Phases in Fermionic Systems on Optical Lattices
I will discuss recent advances in the computational studies of attractive strongly correlated Fermi systems. I will present novel methodological developments which allow us to interface state-of-the-art Quantum Monte Carlo methodologies with Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations. I will show results for the attractive Hubbard model in the dense regime as a function of spin polarization: a supersolid phase "melts" and a Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state emerges as the stable ground state. Very interestingly, the FFLO order appears to coexist with a density modulation, which is new evidence of a complex intertwined order in a region of the parameter space of the Hubbard model which is still largely unexplored. I will also discuss the potential relevance of our results in the realm of repulsive systems.