Aug 8 – 10, 2019
Flatiron Institute
America/New_York timezone

Jasenko Zivanov; Estimation of Higher-Order Aberrations and Anisotropic Magnification in Single-Particle Cryo-EM

Aug 9, 2019, 2:40 PM
Ingrid Daubechies Auditorium (Flatiron Institute)

Ingrid Daubechies Auditorium

Flatiron Institute

162 Fifth Ave, 2nd fl. New York, NY 10010


Dr Jasenko Zivanov


Three new computational methods will be presented that aim to improve the maximal attainable resolution of single-particle cryo-EM reconstructions by measuring and correcting for optical effects in the microscope. All methods work on a given data set, so they can be applied after the images have been collected. The first two methods allow us to measure the symmetrical and antisymmetrical higher-order optical aberrations (which deform the CTF and induce a phase shift, respectively), while the third method measures the magnification anisotropy. The methods are computationally efficient, and implementations will be provided with the upcoming release of Relion.

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