Sep 19 – 22, 2022
America/New_York timezone

Parallel Session

Sep 20, 2022, 1:30 PM
1h 15m
Alpha/Beta (MfA)




1- How robust is the evidence for reionization ending as late as z~5? Have we found a smoking gun for late reionization?

2- How consistent are models of patchy reionization with late-time (z < 5.5) constraints from Lyman-alpha down to the Lyman continuum? How can these constraints be improved and how would they inform reionization models?

3- What new opportunities will come from spectra of the highest-redshift (z >~ 7) QSOs, including those found in upcoming surveys? How robust will the constraints be for the neutral fraction, metal enrichment, etc?

4- What are the best opportunities for combining Lyman-series absorption with other observations? What can we constrain?

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