Galactic Frontiers: Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Volume and Beyond, a northeastern regional meeting on low-mass galaxies, will be held at the Flatiron Institute from July 24-26, 2023 (home of the Center for Computational Astrophysics). The community of dwarf galaxy researchers has grown significantly over the years, and we are very excited to bring together our local low-mass galaxy enthusiasts! This first Northeastern regional meeting on dwarf galaxies is a gathering of astronomers and astrophysicists to discuss the latest research on low-mass galaxies in the Local Volume and beyond. This will be both an opportunity for researchers to share their findings and a chance to network with colleagues in the greater northeast area. The meeting’s ultimate goal is to bring together experts in the region to explore the various aspects of dwarf galaxy formation, evolution, and dynamics.
The main goal of this meeting is to provide a platform for researchers to exchange ideas and to advance our understanding of these fascinating and important astronomical objects. In addition to both invited and contributed talks, the meeting will emphasize discussions and breakout sessions; we will cover topics including:
1. Dwarf galaxies as astrophysical and cosmological probes
2. Bridging the studies from resolved stars and integrated light observations
3. Simulated dwarfs from ISM to cosmological scales
4. Confronting simulations and observations of low-mass galaxies
Galactic Frontiers: Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Volume and Beyond Participant List | |
Name | Talk Title |
Adriana Dropulic | Revealing the Milky Way’s most recent major merger with a Gaia EDR3 catalogue of machine-learned line-of-sight velocities |
Alexander Ji | Formation History of the Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Reticulum II |
Alice Burington | Metallicity Distribution Function of Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Reticulum II |
Alyson Brooks | Observable Tests of Dwarf Galaxy Feedback Models |
Andrew Goulding | UNCOVERing the first black hole seeds with JWST & Chandra |
Anirudh Chiti | Signatures of the First Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud |
Anna Engelhardt | A comprehensive study of feedback in dwarf galaxies |
Anna Frebel | On the oldest stars in the Milky Way |
Anna Wright | Deriving the Properties of Dwarf Galaxies by Disassembling Stellar Halos |
Burcin Mutlu-Pakdil | Finding Distant Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxies |
Charlotte Olsen | Dwarf Galaxy Star Formation Histories as a Tracer of Environmental Factors over Cosmic Time |
Christopher Carr | How to Regulate Star Formation in Low-mass Galaxies with a Hot Circumgalactic Medium |
Claire Riggs | Age Gradients of Simulated Dwarf Galaxies |
Dylan Folsom | Semi-Analytic Inference of the Dark Matter Structure of Satellite Galaxies |
Emily Cunningham | Chemical Cartography of the Sagittarius Stream with Gaia |
Erin Kado-Fong | Beyond the Neighborhood and Into the City: Constraining Baryonic Processes at Low Mass with Widefield Surveys |
Ferah Munshi | Dwarf Galaxy Simulations: the good, the bad and the ugly |
Fred Garcia | Star Cluster Formation and Survival in the First Galaxies |
Grace Telford | The Ionizing Spectrum of an Extremely Metal-Poor O Star Powering an HII Region |
Guilherme Limberg | Abundance patterns of the dwarf-galaxy stellar stream Wukong/LMS-1 |
Hannah Richstein | Milky Way Ultra-Faint Dwarfs as Baryonic Probes of Cosmolog |
Ingyin Zaw | IC 750: A Low-Mass Galaxy Hosting an Undermassive Nuclear Black Hole |
Jack Warfield | HubPUG: Utilizing Gaia as a Reference Frame to Measure Proper Motions for Local Group Dwarfs with HST |
Janvi Madhani | The Formation of Planes of Satellite Galaxies |
Jay Wadekar | Gas-rich dwarf galaxies as calorimetric dark matter detectors |
Jennifer Mead | Imprints of the first generations of stars: intrinsic scatter in dwarf galaxies |
Jenny Greene | First Black Holes with JWST |
Jiaxuan Li | Beyond UDGs: Environmental Quenching of Mass-Size Outliers Among the Satellites of Milky Way Analogs |
Jillian Bellovary | Seeking Massive Black Holes in Dwarf Galaxies |
Jingyao Zhu | Census of Gaseous Dwarf Galaxy Satellites in the Local Universe |
Jordan Van Nest | The Role of Mass and Environment on Satellite distributions around Milky Way analogs in the Romulus25 simulation |
Joy Bhattacharyya | Environmental Quenching of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies near Milky Way mass Hosts |
Juan Guerra | Mass modeling of dwarf galaxies in the “Mint” DC Justice League simulation |
Kaley Brauer | Understanding Accreted Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxies |
Marla Geha | The SAGA Survey: exploring Satellites Around Galactic Analogs |
Mia de los Reyes | The Loneliest Galaxies: Early Results from the Dwarfs In Void Environments (DIVE) Survey |
Nora Shipp | Near-field Cosmology with Stellar Streams |
Paul Bennet | Orbits of Local Group dwarf galaxies by combining HST and Gaia |
Rachael Beaton | Detailed Chemical Abundance Patterns in Classical dwarfs from APOGEE |
Roger Cohen | Radial Stellar Population Gradients in Dwarf Galaxies from Resolved Color-Magnitude Diagrams |
Rujuta Purohit | X-ray and multi-wavelength analysis of candidate AGNs in dwarf galaxies in the Boötes field |
Sarah Wellons | Modeling supermassive black holes in cosmological zoom simulations of dwarf galaxies |
Sebastian Monzon | The Low-Mass End of the Stellar to Halo Mass Relation |
Shany Danieli | The Satellite Stellar-to-Halo Mass Relation beyond the Milky Way with ELVES |
Sophie Koudmani | The role of AGN feedback in dwarf galaxies |
Suvi Gezari | Targeted Search for Tidal Disruption Events from Dwarf Galaxies |
Tri Nguyen | Uncovering the dark matter density profile of dwarf galaxies with simulation-based inference and graph neural network |
Ulrich Steinwandel | On the origin of multiphase galactic winds |
William Cerny | What can the faintest star clusters teach us about the faintest dwarf galaxies? |
Xiaowei Ou | Dynamical modeling of the Hercules Dwarf Galaxy with a new member star |
Yasmeen Asali | The Star Formation Histories of SAGA Satellites |
Yue Pan | Stellar Metallicities from DECam u-band Photometry: A Study of Milky Way Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxies |
Zhichao Zeng | Subhalos in SIDM models: cored, core-collapsed, and their properties |
Zili Shen | Finding nearby Ultra Diffuse Galaxies in the Dragonfly Ultrawide Survey |
Abby Mintz |
Amiel Sternberg |
Arpit Arora |
Beth Willman |
Camille Chiu |
Charlotte Welker |
Christopher Garling |
Clare Burhenne |
Daniel Piacitelli |
Dilys Ruan |
Douglas Rennehan |
Elizabeth Hillenkamp |
Eric Bell |
Erik Tollerud |
Farnik Nikakhtar |
Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro |
Hikaru Katie Kotake |
Ivanna Escala |
Joseph Breneman |
Kathryn V Johnston |
Katya Gozman |
Kelly Whalen |
Lita de la Cruz |
Max J Newman |
Michael Keim |
Michael Messere |
Nitya Kallivayalil |
Quinn Casey |
Romain Teyssier |
Tomer Yavetz |
William Bowman |
Vanessa Brown |