June 11, 2020
America/New_York timezone

Tools for Molecular Reconstruction in cryo-EM.

Jun 11, 2020, 2:15 PM
Aaditya Rangan, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

Aaditya Rangan, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences


An important step in the cryo-EM pipeline involves taking (centered) particle images and reconstructing a 3d molecular volume.
I'll describe some of the techniques we've developed to improve this step, including:
1. tools for appropriately centering particle images,
2. a simple method for detecting particle heterogeneity and segregating images, and
3. methods for accelerating the image-alignment and molecular reconstruction process.

This is joint work with the flatiron team: Marina Spivak, Joakim Anden, Alex Barnett, and Leslie Greengard.

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