December 14, 2020
America/New_York timezone

Bonneau lab group meeting will take place on
Date:  Monday, December 14, 2020
Time: 10:00am 

Presenter: Danxun Li, Research Analyst

Cutaneous microbiome on Bd-immune salamanders

There is a global pandemic of the Bd-related fungal disease chytridiomycosis in amphibians, which has devastated large populations of salamanders around the world. The skin microbiome on some species of salamanders have been proposed to harbor certain Bd-inhibitory functions, which can also be redundant across several species of microbes. Predicting microbe function can be difficult, however, as there is immense diversity due to spatial and temporal variation and taxonomic classification is usually not prediction of microbe functions. A large population of Bd-immune salamanders in various urban and suburban settings were cutaneously swabbed and tracked across seasons to better characterize the evolution of the microbial community found on their skins. In this talk we describe the problem space as well as preliminary approaches to probing this microbiome-mycobiome interactions.

If you will like to join this meeting virtually, please contact Camille Norrell -