Oct 24 – 26, 2018
160 5th Ave.
America/New_York timezone

HumanBase: A portal for data-driven predictions of gene function, regulation, and interactions

Oct 26, 2018, 9:00 AM
1h 30m
2nd floor GDFA (160 5th Ave.)

2nd floor GDFA

160 5th Ave.

160 second floor auditorium


Aaron Wong Julien Funk


HumanBase (hb.flatironinstitute.org) is a comprehensive resource for biomedical researchers interested in exploring expression, function, regulation and interactions of human genes, particularly in the context of specific tissues/cell-types and human disease. Data-driven integrative analyses underlying HumanBase are especially powerful because they reach beyond existing “biological knowledge” represented in the literature to identify novel associations that are not biased toward well-studied areas of biomedical research. HumanBase integrates data from more than 38,000 genomic experiments and more than 14,000 scientific publications to uncover genes’ tissue-specific function and roles in disease, inter-relationships between genes, and the gene expression effects of genetic variants. We will discuss how HumanBase addresses an unmet need among biologists, the development of the web-based system, and the challenges and pitfalls of developing this public resource.

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