Jun 3 – 4, 2019
America/New_York timezone


How to Give a Great Job Talk

Jun 3, 2019, 12:45 PM


Do you know the crucial difference between a job talk and a research seminar? And even if you do know the difference will your job talk be a help or a hinderance to your candidacy?
How you present yourself and your information is every bit as important, and sometimes more important, than what you’re presenting.

This workshop is a practical guide on how to structure and deliver a scientific job talk that shows your work and, more importantly, shows you in the best possible light. Prior to the workshop, participants will receive guidelines on how to structure and present a job talk. During the workshop each participant will have the opportunity to present a short version of a job talk to the other workshop participants and to receive real-time feedback on content, delivery and responsiveness to questions. You will learn how others see you and how you come across to an audience. You will leave the workshop with a new sense of your strengths and with a roadmap of how you can improve.

Because of the nature of this workshop (each participant gives a very short talk and gets feedback) there will be a limit fifteen participants per half-day workshop. Three weeks before the workshop participants will receive guidelines on how to prepare and deliver a job talk. Using these guidelines, each participant will prepare a five to eight minute (depending on the number of workshop participants) “mini” job talk with slides and will present their talk to the entire group during the workshop.

Instructor: Carl M. Cohen, PhD
President, Science Management Associates

This workshop will be offered twice, so please select only one of the two choices.

Presentation materials

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