SMBp Group Meeting: Phu Tang

3rd Floor Conference Room/3-Flatiron Institute (162 5th Avenue)

3rd Floor Conference Room/3-Flatiron Institute

162 5th Avenue


Speaker: Phu Tang 
Topic: Structure comparisons of the Spike Protein between the WT and Omicron

Omicron is more infectious compared to other variants and can neutralize many of our treatments and vaccinations. Its DNA reveals that it holds the most mutated genome that has ever been known to us for similar strains. Expectedly, most of its mutations happen at the RBD and NTD domains, which are crucial in viral entry. Thus, it is important to understand the significances of these mutated residues on the structure and the dynamics of the Spike; specifically the RBD opening process. 

Here I will present a brief sequence of comparisons of the multiple-walker metadynamics trajectories to reveal the differences in the spike structure (mainly, RBD and NTD) between the WT and the Omicron that may impact the kinetics of the RBD opening.

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