Oct 27 – 28, 2022
162 5th Avenue
America/New_York timezone


FWAM is a two-day internal conference which has the goal of introducing and reviewing numerical tools of broad and significant usefulness to Flatiron researchers across centers. The conference this year will be organized into 4.5 broad topics, with a combination of "tutorial/overview" talks offering practical and accessible introductions, and "case-study" talks showcasing research applications.
The broad topics are
(1a) Efficient representation of low-dimensional functions
(1b) Efficient representation of high-dimensional functions (tensor network methods)
(2) Ordinary differential equations
(3) High performance computing
(4) Practical tools for machine learning and data science
FWAM is planned as an in-person event. Lunch will be provided, and there will be a closing reception. Please register using this form.
Update: recordings of certain FWAM22 talks are now available here. Slides for some of the talks can also be found by clicking on the talk in the Contribution List tab, clicking on a talk, and looking under "Presentation Materials".
162 5th Avenue
2nd Floor: Ingrid Daubechies Auditorium