Following the success of the 1st Athena++ Workshop in 2019, we are happy to announce the 2nd Athena++ Workshop to be held on May 8-12, 2023, hosted by the Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute. This workshop is built upon the vibrant scientific activities centered on the usage and development of the Athena++/AthenaK MHD codes for computational astrophysical fluid dynamics, and also serves as a celebration of Prof. Jim Stone’s career achievements at the age 60 milestone. The conference consists of three parts:
Part 1 (May 8): A series of review talks in celebration of Jim’s career achievements.
Part 2 (May 9-10): Athena++/AthenaK user meeting, on the science results obtained using the Athena++/AthenaK codes.
Part 3 (May 11-12): Athena++/AthenaK developer meeting, to discuss current and future effort in code developments.Meeting
Jan. 23, 2023: First meeting announcement
Jan. 23, 2023: Registration and abstract submission open
Mar. 31, 2023: Registration and abstract submission closed
Apr. 17, 2023: Announcement of the workshop program
May 8, 2023: Start of the workshop registration, format and abstract submission
Registered participants are welcome to participate in any of the three parts of the workshop, and we note that the developer meeting is generally more technical and primarily targets code developers. We also solicit speakers for contributed (15 minutes) talks for Part 2. Due to the limited space and tight meeting schedule, we cannot offer on-site poster presentations. Contributions not selected for an oral talk will be asked for presenting an e-poster online. The meeting format is hybrid. While we are open to online participation, we strongly encourage participants to attend the meeting in person, and especially require all the speakers to give their talks on site to facilitate interaction and discussions. The deadline for registration and abstract submission is March 31st, 2023 (US Eastern time). However, due to limited room capacity, the number of on-site participants is limited to 100 (and we will have to cut off the registration if this number is exceeded).
Confirmed invited speakers:
Part 1:
Phil Armitage (CCA), Steve Balbus (Oxford), Omer Blaes (UCSB), Shane Davis (UVa), Charles Gammie (UIUC), Tom Gardiner (Sandia Lab), Eve Ostriker (Princeton), Daniel Proga (UNLV), Eliot Quataert (Princeton), Neal Turner (JPL), Matt Kunz (Princeton), Takayoshi Sano (Osaka University), Peter Teuben (UMD)
Part 2:
Lucia Armillota (Princeton), Avery Bailey (UNLV), Can Cui (Cambridge), Ruobing Dong (UVic), Drummond Fielding (CCA), Jared Goldberg (CCA), Minghao Guo (Princeton), Goni Halevi (Princeton), Xiaoshan Huang (UVa), Lachlan Lancaster (Columbia), Morgan MacLeod (CfA), Bri Mills (UVa), Sean Ressler (UCSB), Shinsuke Takasao (Osaka), Tim Waters (LANL), Wenrui Xu (CCA), Lizhong Zhang (UCSB)
Part 3:
Lev Arzamasskiy (IAS), Xuening Bai (Tsinghua), Kyle Felker (Argonne Lab), Munan Gong (MPE), Philipp Grete (Hamburg), Pinghui Huang (UVic), Kazunari Iwasaki (NAOJ), Yanfei Jiang (CCA), Chang-Goo Kim (Princeton), Jeong-Gyu Kim(NAOJ), Sanghyuk Moon (Princeton), Tomohiro Ono (IAS), Alex Poludnenko (Connecticut), David Radice (PSU), Xiaochen Sun (Tsinghua), Kengo Tomida (Tohoku), Chris White (Princeton/CCA), George Wong (IAS), Chao-Chin Yang (Alabama)
Xuening Bai
Munan Gong
Yan-Fei Jiang
Eve Ostriker
Kengo Tomida
Chris White
Zhaohuan Zhu

Age Restriction: All employees, visitors, event attendees and vendors are required to be above the age of eighteen for entry into our building(s). Photo ID with birthdate will be required by security upon arrival to our building. For nursing mothers, please reach out to an admin to arrange an exception.