The next CCN Junior Theoretical Neuroscientist's Workshop is tentatively scheduled to take place June 26-27, 2025, with applications made available following Cosyne 2025. Please see the 2023 workshop description for more information.
Workshop Description
The Junior Theoretical Neuroscientist’s workshop is a showcase for advanced PhD students and postdocs to share cutting-edge research and connect with the theoretical neuroscience community at the Flatiron Institute and the broader NYC area. We expect to select 8 trainees to participate in the workshop over June 29-30, 2023, at the Flatiron Institute (160 5th Ave, New York, NY), providing an extended opportunity to exchange ideas within a small group setting.
Each participant will contribute a 30 minute research talk followed by a 40 minute interactive discussion of the technical details behind the work. Through these interactions and unstructured meeting times, participants will receive valuable feedback from their peers as well as the broader Flatiron community. Talks from senior Flatiron researchers and an external keynote speaker are also planned to broaden the scope of the workshop.
Our aim is to attract a group of talented theorists studying different topics and coming from diverse backgrounds. We expect the workshop will provide a particularly excellent opportunity for participants in the process of planning their next career stage.
There is no charge to attend the workshop. Each day, meals will be provided for attendees, and accommodations will be provided for non-local participants.
Application materials
- CV
- Abstract for Talk (1 page)
- 1-2 authored papers or preprints related to the talk
- (Optional) Brief cover letter explaining your interest in the workshop and your current research trajectory
- (Optional) website, google scholar link
- Alex Williams, Associate Research Scientist and Project Leader, CCN, and Assistant Professor, Center for Neural Science, NYU
- SueYeon Chung, Associate Research Scientist and Project Leader, CCN, and Assistant Professor, Center for Neural Science, NYU
- Eero Simoncelli, Scientific Director, CCN, and Silver Professor, NYU
- Dmitri Chklovskii, Group Leader, CCN
Deadline Schedule
- Application Deadline: April 30, 2023
- Notification of admittance: May 8, 2023
- Acceptance Deadline: May 19, 2023