Dear all, 

You are  cordially invited to the Biophysics and Development Seminar on
Monday, February 8, 2021
10:00am ET


Dr. Nick S. Jones, Ph.D., 

Professor of Mathematical Sciences

Imperial College London


Survival of the densest accounts for the expansion of mitochondrial mutations in ageing

While studying how mtDNA mutations might spread along muscle fibers we discovered a curious effect: a species that is at a replicative disadvantage can nonetheless outcompete a faster-replicating rival. We found that the effect requires the three conditions of stochasticity, spatial structure and one species having a higher carrying capacity. I'll discuss how this connects to existing data and resolves a decades-long debate in the mitochondrial literature. I'll then discuss therapeutic implications and connections to altruism. If I make good time I will also discuss how, given time series data for individuals, but an unknown model, a particular giant time-series feature library allows us to nonetheless identify relevant parameters for inter-individual variation.


Short Bio:

Nick Jones is a Professor of Mathematical Sciences in Imperial Mathematics with previous appointments in Physics and Biochemistry. His research focuses are in mitochondrial genetics and partially observed networks in public health.


For more information about Dr. Nick S. Jones, Ph.D.

Virtual Seminar
For access to this seminar, please contact Camille Norrell via email: