Sep 14 – 15, 2020
America/New_York timezone

Mission & Goals


To bring together designers and power users of spike sorting algorithms for high-count electrodes. We aim to leave the workshop with a plan for how we can as a community develop fully-automatic spike sorting for Neuropixels electrodes.


In particular, the workshop will address the following:

  1. Transitioning from manual curation to full automation

  2. Technical challenges, especially electrode drift in both chronic and acute recordings

  3. Developing metrics and benchmarks for quality control

  4. Discussion of ground truth methods



Participants will be asked to come out of the workshop with a plan for how to collaborate on making fully automatic sorting a reality, with a focus on next steps that are not restricted to describing existing algorithms and their results, but on how to improve them.


In particular, we aim to:

  1. Reach consensus on metrics to judge sorting quality, both for simulated ground truth data and for general recordings without ground truth

  2. Identify datasets for algorithm evaluation OR a process of how to incorporate additional datasets, especially in different brain regions

  3. Identify candidate algorithms for drift correction and identify people to implement and test them