October 30, 2019 to November 1, 2019
Ingrid Daubechies Auditorium
America/New_York timezone

The why and how of nonnegative matrix factorization

Nov 1, 2019, 11:35 AM
2nd Floor (Ingrid Daubechies Auditorium)

2nd Floor

Ingrid Daubechies Auditorium

162 5th avenue, 2nd floor, New York NY, 10010


Johannes Friedrich (CCB)


Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has become a widely used tool for the analysis of high-dimensional data as it automatically extracts sparse and meaningful features from a set of nonnegative data vectors. I first illustrate this property of NMF on some applications. Then I address the problem of solving NMF, which is NP-hard in general, and review some standard NMF algorithms. Finally, I briefly describe an online NMF algorithm, which scales up gracefully to large data sets.

Presentation materials