May 1 – 5, 2023
162 5th Avenue
America/New_York timezone


Morning Session

May 1, 2023, 10:00 AM
Ingrid Daubechies Auditorium/2-IDA (162 5th Avenue)

Ingrid Daubechies Auditorium/2-IDA

162 5th Avenue



Morning Session

  • Doug Rennehan (CCA)

Morning Session

  • Desika Narayanan (University of Florida)

Morning Session

  • Arif Babul (University of Victoria)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Romeel Davé (University of Edinburgh)
5/1/23, 10:00 AM
Desika Narayanan (University of Florida)
5/1/23, 10:20 AM
Daniel Angles-Alcazar (University of Connecticut)
5/1/23, 11:30 AM
Kartheik Iyer (Columbia University)
5/1/23, 11:55 AM
Daniele Sorini (Durham University)
5/1/23, 12:20 PM
Paco Villaescusa-Navarro (Flatiron Institute)
5/2/23, 9:30 AM
Jinoo Kim (University of Toronto)
5/2/23, 10:20 AM
Sidney Lower (University of Florida)
5/2/23, 11:30 AM
Ewan Jones (University of Edinburgh)
5/2/23, 12:20 PM
Neal Katz (University of Massachusetts)
5/3/23, 9:30 AM
Lisiyuan Yang (UMass Amherst)
5/3/23, 9:55 AM
Austen Gabrielpillai (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / Catholic University of America)
5/3/23, 10:20 AM
Nicole Thomas (Durham University)
5/3/23, 11:30 AM
Qingyang Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
5/3/23, 11:55 AM
Jakub Szpila (University of Edinburgh)
5/3/23, 12:20 PM
Building timetable...